Tuesday, December 20, 2011



            The Department of Justice intervention into the voter registration rules in 14 states combined with the Administration’s obstruction of law enforcement activity involving illegal immigration is alarming. Attorney General, Eric Holder’s attempt to restrict or prevent Arizona from enforcing existing immigration laws in conjunction with his attempt to weaken the ability of numerous states to protect the integrity of our free election process are clear indications of the beginning of a Democrat attempt to corrupt our national election in 2012.
In the past, the administrations chief law enforcement official, Eric Holder, refused to prosecute thugs who were caught on video obstructing the entrance to polling places. The armed men dressed in Para-military style outfit’s intimidated and threatened voters with weapons! Holder’s refusal to bring charges and his disdain for our election laws caused at least one outraged Justice Department Official to resign in protest! Now Attorney General Holder is threatening 14 states with prosecution for voting laws that he deems to strict! The Democrat attempt to create chaos is obvious but not surprising from the most divisive administration in history.

 The Palm Beach Post ran a story by Dara Kam entitled “Voters groups sue state over new election law”. The lengthy, rambling article seemed sympathetic to the views of the opponents of Florida’s voting law. Not many specific details about the actual language of what the new law requires was defined, but the main goal seems to be that Florida’s new law makes it harder to commit voter fraud and if caught, increases the penalties! The progressives suing the state believe that the protection from graft of our most important right, voting rights, would somehow prevent thousands of Floridians from participating. Good! I agree! The thousands of people denied will be the ineligible, non-citizens! 
The leftwing litigants are critical of the laws “hefty fines, criminal penalties and administrative requirements”. For any person or organization that would corrupt America’s elections, no fine is high enough! Examine the turpitude of ACORNS voter registration and election activities! Each fraudulent vote cast cancels out an opposing legal vote, thus denying American citizens the right to choose their leaders. Holder opposes Florida’s law as well as 13 other states.
The left claims that somehow thousands of Floridians would be unable to vote because registration groups are abandoning sign-up efforts. What? Voter registration is free and can be done by individuals! Since 1995, registration can be done in numerous ways, on-line, through the mail, at public libraries, at public schools, at social service centers and at the drivers licensing centers. The process is so easy and open that 16yr olds can register 2 years in advance, before becoming eligible to vote at age 18! Voter registration is easy and can be done in minutes. Forms are available in English and foreign language. Any idiot that finds this process difficult or cannot find one of the numerous registration locations should immediately find a group to help them. They then should join the hoard of fellow morons and register as a Democrat.

Holder is not only trying to weaken election law, he is trying to protect illegal immigrants. Holder who lied to Congress about the government’s role in the FAST AND FURIUOS scandal, the DOJ’S operation that flooded the Mexico, Arizona border area with illegally obtained high-powered weapons has obstructed law officials in Arizona.
An AP report entitled “Justice Dept. report slams Ariz. Sheriff” ran in the Post. Beleaguered Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, who’s responsible for protecting the citizens of Arizona against the assault of well armed drug lords and criminals that Holder helped arm with operation Fast and Furious is being targeted by the government. Arpaio, with little federal help, has attempted to quell the violence. Obama has rewarded Arpaio’s bravery with the accusations of discrimination against Latinos.
Arpaio responded that the Obama Administration was launching a politically motivated attack that is endangering law abiding Arizonians of all races.
To add insult to injury, the Obama Administration’s Department of Homeland Security stripped Arpaio’s jail officers of their federal power to check whether inmates are in the country illegally. No, this is not a joke! Our own Homeland Security is preventing U.S. Law Officers from enforcing immigration laws and in the process protecting known criminals and possible terrorists from detection! Homeland Security is also restricting Apaio’s office from using a program that examines fingerprints collected at local jails to identify illegal immigrants!
Why would our government take these actions? Why are they allowing illegal immigrants to remain in the country, even criminals, and making voter fraud easier, not harder! Why?
I say connect the dots! The Democrats want to steal the 2012 election. These actions are right out of the Cloward and Pivens handbook or Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals, THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS! Obama was weaned on Chicago style, Bill Ayers politics and a trained ACORN style community organizer. He has brought his Chicago team to D.C. The Democrats will do anything to win!
Read this passage from Wikipedia: “The voter registration movement was spearheaded by Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward in the early 1980s in response to the Reagan administration.”
Who is Piven?
Read this passage from Wikipedia: “In the May 1966 issue of The Nation titled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty" advocating increased enrollment in social welfare programs in order to collapse that system and force reforms, leading to a guaranteed annual income.[5][6] This political strategy has been referred to as the "Cloward–Piven strategy".[7]”
Everyone should examine the philosophy of Cloward and Piven as well as that of Saul Alinsky. They have aligned with the leftwing of the Democrat Party. These are some of the most radical, undemocratic, intolerant activists in the world. Their style is a Marxist, Stalinist and Maoist style, “the only real power comes from the barrel of a gun” totalitarians. They have influence with past and current members of Obama’s Administration such as Cass Sunstein and Van Jones. If their ilk gains enough power, I have no doubt that freedom of speech will be terminated. Critics of these radicals, Fox News, National Review, Heritage and even Independents like me, will be silenced and persecuted. Atheist like Stalin, Mao and Hitler’s Marxist, occult Nazi regime, have murdered more people than all the wars in human history combined. I echo Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death!”
The Cloward-Piven strategy, just as every Marxist regime in history, would guarantee every citizen a poverty level annual income. The ruling class of wealthy elites will occupy the 1% and offer no upward mobility to the masses.
The leftists in the Democrat Party are nearing that social objective defined by the Cloward-Piven Strategy! Global economies have been destroyed by the housing collapse, a product of 1994 Clinton Administration housing laws and the enforcement of congressmen Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. The utopians “houses for all” scam didn’t’ work. Now Obama has tripled down on his redistribution and entitlement philosophy, bankrupting the nation for generations to come. Poverty and government dependence have flourished under 3 years of the food stamp king, Obama. Capitalism and private business the engine of wealth generation is being driven offshore.
With such results, the Democrats know that the only way to keep power is to steal the election a-la Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Like Putin, Obama has the media in his back pocket and a billion dollar political slush fund that will be used to buy off journalists and run negative adds destroying his Republican and Independent opponents. Toss in a little chaos on Election Day, a pinch of well-organized Putin style voter fraud, and the Democrats may well have the recipe to give a rotten administration four more years.
The Democrat Party has come under the control of self-serving knaves who toss crumbs to the mindless Fools who follow them. Good people need to wake up and flee the Democrat Party; it’s a shipwreck beyond repair.

Samuel Butler: “There are more Fools than Knaves in the world, else the Knaves would not have enough to live upon.”

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