A study of history reveals that the Democrat party has promoted segregation and slavery in the United States. Textbooks refer to the plantation owners and the KKK as mostly southerners and this is true. The books omit the fact that these southerners were 100% Democrats. The Republican Party with leaders such as Lincoln and Eisenhower defeated the bigots such as Al Gores senator father and the Southern Democrat Congressmen. Today the Democrat party uses a more subtle and insidious form of slavery to control minority groups. They conduct high tech lynching of blacks that wander off the plantation of liberal politics. Democrats succeed in projecting their own racism onto opponents, vilifying Republicans and Independents as anti-minority. They succeed in this distortion due to the activist, leftists who dominate the mainstream media.
November 2nd 2011, on the cable network MSNBC, host of the Morning Joe Show, Pan Handle, Alabama Joe Scarborough once again launched into an extended, vile, character and intellectual assassination attack on front-running Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. The RINO (Republican in name only) Joe Scarborough along with his panel of leftist minions took turns, figuratively, dragging Cain around by the neck as the lynch mob became even more and more riled up by their own hateful rhetoric.
Last week Mika Brzezinski led the little group of anathematic bigots in their disturbing irrational ranting against Cain. Today host Joe Scarborough led the charge at one point calling the man a complete idiot.
The 66-year-old Cain has been charged with two counts of committing sexual harassment 12 years ago. One accusation involves Cain comparing the victim’s height to that of his wife. WTF? The MSNBC panel discussed these incidents with Joe accusing Cain of lying and attempting to cover-up because Cain did not immediately admit to being involved in a settlement. Scarborough, an attorney obviously knows the difference between a legal settlement and a severance pay agreement granted to a possibly disgruntled and vertically challenged employee. Cain may have done wrong, but no one yet knows. The accusers have not even been identified let alone any details of the alleged incidents known. No matter to the bigot Scarborough, the case is closed.
Later, MSNBC played a video clip of Cain speaking on PBS where Cain stated his concern about China “ gaining nuclear capability”. This statement is fine with me because I’m aware of China’s numerous, failed, missile launches and apparent inability at this time to deliver a nuclear payload. I believe Cain is aware of Chinas nuclear technology and fearful of them gaining nuclear military capability as evidenced when in the same statement he raised concerns about them gaining modern aircraft carriers. A mental midget like Joe Scarborough is intellectually unable to understand such nuances.
At 8:04am EST Joe Scarborough misquoted Cain’s statement and replaced the word capability with the word technology to make it seem that Cain really was unaware that China possess nuclear technology. Scarborough repeated this misquote again later even as at 8:07 am EST Top Talker Printed an accurate quote of Cain just to the lower left of the screen.
To help Joe understand, I offer an analogy. Joe, if we gave computers to tribal Taliban leaders living in caves and tents devoid of electrical power they would have computer technology without a capability to use them. Someone then might fear that they could gain computer training and a power source to use the computers for cyber attacks. They then would have computer Internet capability. It’s a little complicated Joe but if you and Mika combine your mental capacities I think you can grasp this concept.
We currently have a President who has never had any foreign policy experience and worse yet has never had a day of business experience. Obama, the Ivy League, community organizer was and still is protected by the mainstream media with the ardor of a mother grizzly protecting her cub. Publications such as the discredited Palm Beach Post ignore the numerous and mounting Obama Administration scandals. Bernie Goldberg calls the medias adoration of Obama as a “Slobbering Love Affair”.
The business community including the late Steve Jobs has recognized Obama and his administration as the greatest threat to American business and American jobs. Obama is the idiot, Joe; he has depleted our treasury with the failed stimulus, worthless green projects, pay offs to political allies and the amassing of his billion-dollar campaign slush fund.
Forget about foreign policy, Obama did not even know that the United States, the country that he leads is comprised of 50 states not the 57 states that he claimed to have visited! The gaffs of Obama, made over three years in office, could be made into a feature length documentary film. Few Americans are aware of even one due to the coddling protective Democrat media.
This brings us to the recent allegations of sexual harassment against Cain. I cannot turn on a radio or TV without hearing the latest take on this story. After Bill Clinton survived two terms, one would think that sexual harassment charges against public servants as mute.
Clinton faced a string of accusations involving sexual misconduct and even rape! The pattern of misbehavior took place over many years. A short list of Clinton’s victims and partners include Christy Zercher, Elizabeth Gracen, Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Monica Lewinsky, Nancy Hernreich, Susan McDougal, Debra Schiff, Sherrie Densuk, Marsha Scott, and Dolly Browning. The Democrat media helped Clinton portray his victims as “nuts and sluts”. Clinton pointed his finger at the American people and swore “I never had sex with that women…” Only after Clintons DNA was found on Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress was the media forced to report unbiased facts in the case. The far left and much of the Democrat media remained entrenched and unmoved in support of Clinton. I remember prominent leftists and feminists stating (to paraphrase) “Clinton deserves a free grope” and “I would give the President a hummer”! Even today, Lady goes GaGa over the paunchy, aging misogynist. Rather than a disgrace to the Democrat Party, the lying, lecher, impeached, felon perjurer, former president; Clinton parades around the world accepted as an honored statesman and man of great international stature. As an Independent, I’m still amazed that any honorable American citizen would admit to being a registered Democrat!
A new poll was released today and Herman Cain has jumped up to 30% among Republican voters; Wow, what bigots! In response to the lynching of the man, I personally have promoted Cain from VP to the top of my ticket.
We conservatives need to form a modern day underground railroad to help black and other minority conservatives escape from the liberal, white, elitist media, Democrat, political plantation. The Democrat Uncle Tom bosses; Obama, Holder, Waters and Sharpton must be replaced by free thinkers like Cain, Clarence Thomas and Allen West. Conservative minorities should have the same freedoms of speech and beliefs that are granted to liberal minorities and to whites. The Constitution gives everyone the freedom of expression without fear of being lynched by the Democrats and others on the left.
Shame on you Joe. You may have avoided being corrupted by your stint in Congress, but you were obviously no match for the seductive, siren song of acceptance among the Washington elites and the vile people who populate the halls of MSNBC. Stop misquoting and lying about Herman Cain.
Joe, you Mika and The Palm Beach Post Suck!
Today Joe and Mika continued mocking Herman Cain. Mika's father appeared on the show and at 7:26am EST time told Joe and Mika that Cain was correct in his analysis that China lacked launch capability. The Butt Head look alike, Joe still apparently cannot comprehend; capability does not mean technology and quickly changed the subject. Zbigniew Brzezinski basically confirmed what I wrote about in the above post, Herman Cain is correct. Joe and Mika simply look stupid.
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