The Wall Street protesters provide us with a glimpse into America’s future; thousands of un-bathed idiots living in tents and cardboard boxes. Viewing the news clips of this gang brings to mind the plot of the movie Idiocracy, where an army private, Joe Bauers, an "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes 500 years in the future only to discover a society so incredibly dumbed-down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive. I recommend that everyone watch this flick. Five years ago the movie was funny, now it’s just plain scary. Welcome to America 2011, welcome to Wall Street!
One of the most common complaints of the Wall Street protester is the crushing debt of their college loans. Is it possible that any of these useful idiots of the left, apparently illiterate as demonstrated by the signs they carry; have been admitted to a college? Why would they not be demonstrating outside the Universities that have raised their tuitions at a rate of 900% since 1978! The banks only issued the loan and the money went to the University. The banks did not set the astronomical price of admission necessary to satisfy the greedy elites of academia.
If these goons were demonstrating outside of the Universities, Sallie Mae, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mack, Barney Frank or Chris Dodd’s home or the halls of Congress it all might make a bit of sense. From the interviews reported, it is obvious that these people do not have a clue to what their own government and the institutions of higher education have done to the prospects of their future.
The left perpetuates a culture of entitlement and massive government while at the same time vilifying free market enterprise, capitalism and the private sector, then wonders, where are all the jobs? A jobless, poverty stricken, and government dependent society is inevitable; just what the elites in any socialist or communistic society desire; power through autocratic control. The framed diplomas and MBA’s hanging on the wall might as well be artwork in a jobless society of socialists.
The leftist elites, haggard old hippies like Francis Fox Pivens, Bill Ayers, Susan Sarandon and Rosanne Barr cheer on the hoards of over privileged idiots, advocating beheadings, murder and destruction of property. One would expect the media to give this crowd the same adjectives as applied to the Tea Party, right? Just kidding no longer does any thinking person consider the mainstream media a legitimate source of information.
The front page of the Palm Beach Post, Sunday, October 2, 2011 runs a story by Jeff Ostrowski entitled “For jobless, is college worthless?” The report was refreshing in the sense that it did not try to put a leftwing slant on the issue at hand. Kudos to Mr. Ostrowski’s professionalism; were the editors napping? I reread the entire article because I could not find the mandatory hatchet job to the back of a Republican like Rick Scott, Bush, West or The Tea Party, which is usually necessary to get your story printed by the Democrat editors of the Palm Beach Post.
Higher education, the domain of the far left, has increased the price of admission to a private college 900% from an average of $5,000 dollars in 1977 to the current average of $44,000! Inflation over this thirty-three year period has been 350%, which puts the rise in tuition at 650% above inflation! No other industry comes near to this type of gouging. The media rants against the rise in cost of health care and the evil doctors, hospitals and insurance companies whose cost has risen a fraction in comparison. Could their acquiescence to the obvious scam of higher education be due to the fact that the political and social leftist control the universities and use them to indoctrinate the nations youth into the Idiocracy of leftist ideals?
With the median annual family income at $49,000 and the average private college tuition at $44,000 per year, do the math, how can any middleclass person attend an elite university today?
Just as with Obama care, the left would answer, “That is why the government should pay for everyone’s higher education” when the intelligent question would be “How can the cost of educating a single person be $44,000 per year even as the institutions receive additional funds through grants and donations?”
This is the scam, the theft of a future generations wealth by the leftist elites that dominate academia. Tenured professors do little work and pull down huge salaries. Assistant professors stand before auditoriums full of students paying $44,000 per seat as the tenured elite tours the world devising far left environmental scams and anti-capitalist themes. Then the Democrats in government select these people, having no experience or concept of business, employing them as advisors and cabinet members empowered to regulate the private sector; suffocating the economy under the insane policies of leftist elites.
Mr. Ostrowski, your report, albeit good, only scratched the surface of the scam being instituted by academia’s elite left. Dig deeper and expose the corruption and the theft of our youth’s future by our nations Universities.
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