Monday, August 1, 2011

If You Can Read This, You're To Close!

If You Can Read This, You’re Too Close!

            In my last post (Friday, 7/29/211) I predicted that when Moody’s downgrades our AAA credit rating the mainstream media would blame Bush, the Republicans and the tea party. I didn’t have to wait that long.

            Sunday, 7/31/2011, Randy Schultz Editor of the Editorial page of the Palm Beach Post published a lengthy editorial entitled “How we really went from surplus to debt in 10 years”. Mr. Schultz makes a timid attempt to appear unbiased by suggesting that both major parties are to blame but by the end of his column it is clear that he holds Bush, the Republicans and the tea party responsible. Schultz, near the end of his editorial summarizes, “For all the blame Washington gets, though, most Americans supported both tax cuts”.
 Imagine that! Hard working people trying to keep their hard earned dollars out of the grubby hands of wasteful politicians!
 Schultz continues, “Most Americans supported both wars. Most Americans  - especially tea party members – didn’t start yelling fire until the building was in flames.”
 So according to Mr. Schultz, it’s Bush, the Republicans and especially the tea party that squandered the surplus. I knew Mr. Schultz would write this piece before he did. These lefties are so damn predictable I don’t even need to read their opinions; they are like a herd of lemmings controlled by one central brain located in Washington, D.C.
Mr. Schultz, take a closer look. The rank and file tea partiers have been here forever. In Reality, the birth of the tea party organization sprang from an incident on the trading floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. After the housing bubble had popped (see my previous blog) and the government began all the bailouts with our tax money, CNBC analyst Rick Santelli went into a tirade on national TV. Irate, he passionately asked the question, why should some responsible Americans pay the mortgages of their irresponsible neighbors? He said something to the effect that we should have a tea party style tax rebellion against such government abuse of our tax money. Thus Americans who had long been complaining about a meddling, micro managing, over spending and out of control government, even before the building was in flames, came together and organized as a movement; the tea party movement.
I’m no fan of George W. Bush as you can see in my profile. I’m a political conservative and registered independent, but I strive to be open and fair-minded. The most glaring and disingenuous aspect of Mr. Schultz’s opinion piece is what he conveniently omits.
Mr. Schultz criticizes Bush for waging two unpaid for wars, ignoring the fact that Obama has continued these policies for over 2 ½ years. In fact the Obama Administration has grossly escalated the war in Afghanistan and added another costly, unpaid for, intervention into Libya.
 Mr. Schultz besmirches Bush’s harmful tax cuts of 2001 and fails to mention that Obama has continued them. Now that we are approaching three years of these Obama policies should we not now be calling them the Obama tax cut extensions and the Obama wars?  
After muddling through a nebulous account of the Bush budgets of 2008-2009, Mr. Schultz does at least mention that Obama and the Democrats contributed a whopping 787 billion stimulus layered on top of the 700 billion bipartisan financial bailout, amounting to a staggering 1.487 trillion dollars of unpaid for expenditures in less than two years!
These numbers are mindboggling and yet Mr. Schultz pokes fun at the phrase; “Washington does not have a revenue problem; it has a spending problem” adding that the phrase has all the depth of a bumper sticker. 
Washington has a huge spending addiction. No amount of money will ever be enough to quell the appetite of the addicts. They will always want more as demonstrated by Obama himself when in the midst of this budget mess he actually stated that he would rather be devising new government programs or evaluating the up coming NFL season.
The problem is that Washington is controlled by leftwing progressives, elites apparently devoid of commonsense and the ability to reason. Even the most vile corrupt politicians are admired, encouraged and protected from scrutiny by an army of like-minded, media robots marching in lock step while mesmerized by the Obama Hope and Change bumper sticker.

After reading Mr. Schultz’s most recent editorial I’m going to increase by 10 vacuum points the Palm Beach Post’s Suckometer rating for a total of 2,010 VP’s.

How’s that Hope and Change go’ in for ya America?

That’s why the Palm Beach Post Sucks!

Current Suckometer Rankings
In vacuum points

My Oreck XL                        15 VP

Houston Astros                      120 VP

Root Canal                             199 VP

Monica Lewinski                    1135 VP (this ranking courtesy of Bill Clinton)

John McCain                          1136 VP

Justin Bieber                           1137 VP

Casey Anthony                      1500 VP

Harry Reid                             1655 VP

Nancy Pelosi                          1975 VP

Palm Beach Post                     2010 VP

MSNBC                                 2199 VP

Barney Frank                         3572 VP

Washington Post                     3741 VP                       

New York Times                     8279 VP

Stellar Black Hole                        1.5 trillion VP

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